Australian BMX star Sam Willoughby remains without feeling below his chest after a training crash left him with spinal damage.The family of the World Champion and Olympic silver medallist have remained hopeful since the serious injuries he suffered in the USA on September 10 th.

Cycling Australia recently released a statement saying that at this stage Sam has no movement chest down but has regained use of his arms and is slowly regaining some sensation in his legs. Sam’s next step is to begin a long road to recovery at a rehabilitation centre.

Willoughby crashed at his local track in Chula Vista near San Diego and was flown to hospital. Sam has fractures to his C 6 and C 7 vertebrae and a severely compressed spinal cord. Willoughby had surgery which the c6 vertebrae was replaced by a titanium cage. His C 5 and C 7 vertebrae were fused with a plate and four screws.

Sam Willoughby won silver in BMX at the 2012 Olympics and made the final in Rio De Janeiro recently but finished sixth. He is also a two – time World Champion.

Planet Blue Action Sports wishes Sam a speedy recovery …


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